Saturday, June 22, 2019

ONODA SUE YAKI- Pottery of Yamaguchi Prefecture

These jars are made for umeboshi and are sold as a delicacy of Kokura. I love the umeboshi but always wondered who made the jars! 
I thought they might have been made in Agano or Koishiwara but no. While visiting Kokura yesterday my daughter wanted to buy the umeboshi that come packed in the ceramic jars. We asked one of the sales ladies who made the jars. She hurried away to go find the answer for us. She returned quickly with the information that I had been wanting for years. They are made in Yamaguchi Prefecture, town of Onoda, Sue Yaki (su-e). Onoda clay is high in iron which is perfect for making acid resistant vessels. They mostly make the jars for the umeboshi paste and for strong alcohol. There used to be many kilns but now only Matsui pottery 松井製陶所 remains. 


  1. Hi Marmie, I stumbled upon your blog while researching about Japanese tableware. What a lovely blog. I want to send you some teacups pictures I took during a Japanese tea ceremony in Tokyo (just want to share as I thought you might be interested -- no question). If you are, please let me know. Thank you.

  2. I am happy you are enjoying my blog. Thank you for your kind offer. I am happy to take a look.


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